Publisher description
Rhythm Rider is a 3D music visualization plug-in for MS Windows Media Player. You Ride The Music Wave. Just play your MP3 and WAV files, or play a music CD, and ride a wave generated by your music while immersed in a 3D environment. It adds to your music listening experience and gives a roller coaster feel. You'll love it! It has a fire breathing dragon. There are multiple vantage points on the wave to choose from. You can look forward, reverse, look at fountain, and you can sit off the wave. You can add head tilt for a more extreme experience, or remove it for a smoother ride. The experience is best with larger screens, because you get fuller immersion. In fact, a projection screen is fantastic for this! It's also best with a good set of speakers, or head phones for a more immersive feel. Visit for more details!
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